Medication Options: Young People and Mental Health (A PEERS Video Mini-Series)

PEERS is a proud partner of the “No Stigma No Barriers” project along with Youth in Mind, California Youth Connection, and Young Minds Advocacy. This collaborative project aims to improve mental health outcomes and reduce stigma for Transition Age Youth (TAY).

PEERS, in cooperation with Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services, has produced a series of three videos for East Bay youth. The videos feature interviews with health care professionals, young people, public servants, and many others with expertise and experience in this area. This series is intended to help young people make informed decisions when they’re prescribed psychiatric medication from health care providers.

Young people, especially Transition Age Youth, are often prescribed psychiatric medication following a formal diagnosis by a healthcare provider. Yet, many young people are under-informed about the benefits, risks, and side-effects of the medications they’re provided. In short, young people often don’t understand their rights with regards to psychiatric medications. These three videos assist youth in making careful, informed decisions about their own health.

By |2018-02-21T23:25:41+00:00February 21st, 2018|Advocacy, Mental Health, Stigma, Youth stories|1 Comment

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