Susan Page Makes Waves

Young Minds Advocacy blogger and No Stigma No Barriers youth advocate Susan Page has been making waves, sharing her experiences in order to shatter stereotypes, stigma, and silence around mental health. Her advocacy has taken her to various organizations, including Google, the San Francisco Mental Health Board, and a diversity of communities around the Bay Area. Page’s work as a youth advocate on the San Francisco Mental Health Board is groundbreaking, as only a handful of counties across California have a youth representative on their local mental health board. Page came to work with San Francisco’s Board during a campaign with No Stigma No Barriers, a statewide transition age mental health collaborative for young people ages 16 to 25.

In addition to serving as a board member, she co-chairs the board’s recently formed Youth Committee, whose mission is to promote mental health care for youth in San Francisco. In an article by the San Francisco Examiner, Page sees her role on the Mental Health Board as being a voice for youth to “really make youth feel comfortable speaking up about their mental challenges.” Page’s story has already inspired and resonated with many. She credits blogging and advocacy as giving her the space to heal through writing and sharing her story.

Read the full Examiner article here:

For more information on the No Stigma No Barriers (NSNB) Mental Health Board campaign and Susan Page’s advocacy, check out the NSNB 2016 State of the Community Report.


Originally published on the Young Minds Advocacy blog. 

By |2018-02-20T19:26:38+00:00December 22nd, 2017|Youth stories|0 Comments

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